Our Team
Neisong is a leader in his community of Hinangave. He has previous experience with translation work.
Courses completed:
Initial Skills(2022)
Translator Training Course #1(2022)
Current Assignment: Translating Matthew
Mambe is an up and coming leader of the Hinihon community. He also is the local aid post oderly(runs the medical aid post) with some intermediate medical training. He has a strong passion for serving and leading his people. He is strongly committed to ensuring that Pamosu speakers have God’s Word available in their language. Mambe also has previous translation experience.
Courses complete:
Initial Skills(2022)
Translator Training Course #1(2022)
Current assignment: Genesis, helping others translate Mark.
Older brother to Mambe, Baig is largely responsible for a transitional community called Sevan along the way to the coast. He provides for his community by providing a place to stay while traveling and other ad-hoc requests from the communities of the Pamosu speakers. He also has dedicated his time and skills to translating the Bible into Pamosu. Baig also has previous experience translating.
Courses completed:
Initial Skills(2022)
Translator Training Course #1(2022)
Current Assignment: Translating matthew
Mark is a man from Hinangave. He has volunteered to work with the project and is working towards building the skills necessary to translate scripture.
Courses attended:
Initial Skills(2022)
Current Assignment:
Improve English skills to be able to complete training courses.
Ilasa is from the village of Hinihon and has volunteered to commit his time and energy to translating scripture into the Pamosu language.
Courses Completed:
Initial Skills(2022)
Translator Training Course #1(2022)
Current Assignment:
Translating Mark
Gabriel is from the village of Hinihon. Though he is just starting a young family, he has committed himself to translating the Bible.
Courses completed:
Initial Skills(2022)
Translator Training Course #1(2022)
Current Assignment:
Translating Mark
Gebi(short for Gabriel) is a member of the Perene community. He is a young man that helps with the local church as a secretary and other administrative tasks. His involvement in the project will be under review for the time being as it is unclear his abilities with English. When Jason & Brenda return to Papua New Guinea a conversation with the Perene community will be a high priority to see how Gebi can either learn better English or possibly work in the project in another capacity.
Courses attended:
Initial Skills(2022)
Megan is part of the Carwile’s support team to do things like organizing resources, buying food to put on the helicopter, and other tasks while the Carwile family is in Avevete(Hinihon).
Courtney is part of the Carwile’s support team to do things like organizing resources, buying food to put on the helicopter, and other tasks while the Carwile family is in Avevete(Hinihon).
The Carwile family is from the United States of America. Jason grew up in California, while Brenda spent her childhood in Montana. Our 6 kids: Felicity, Marie, Norman, Charity, Hosea, & Esther were born in Montana, California, Papua New Guinea, Montana, Montana, & Papua New Guinea respectively. Jason & Brenda met in Canada while going to school in preparation for work with Wycliffe Bible Translators and decided to join forces. Upon joining the ranks of Bible translators we received word from Papua New Guinea where hundreds of languages are in need of workers to help equip the Church with Bibles in their languages. Upon arriving we heard news of a language, Pamosu, that had begun translation, but could not continue because the previous workers either left(previous expatriate team) or did not have the resources needed to continue the fight(the Pamosu translators). We accepted their hand of fellowship and have been working to learn their language since then. We were able to start equipping these men with resources and training starting early 2022.
In memory
Ovokare Sasokele was a member of the team adamantly committed to bringing God’s Word to his people. He passed away in January of 2022 due to a unknown rapidly onsetting illness.