Project Needs
Means of production
For a translation project this means computers, phones, power supply(solar panels, batteries, etc.) and more. Being in a remote location the turnover on these things is higher than you might expect, so it is a more constant need than we would like. We need partners who are willing to support the project on an ongoing basis.
A place to work
We’re still in need of building a new house and office to sustain the program. This is more of a one-time need where once we have it, pre-supposing we can build something of quality, and take good care of it, it will last for many years to come.
We currently use a helicopter to travel between Avevete and Ukarumpa. This is an expensive means of transportation. An airstrip is not possible. There is a proposal for a helicopter upgrade which would increase our capacity, please pray about this. Supporting the project will increase our capacity to travel between locations in order to train translators as well as work.
Training is necessary for translation. There are many skills that the Pamosu translators need to hone to produce quality translation. Supporting the project provides the means to train our translators.
Means of communication are an ongoing cost. From HF Radio to cell towers, from satellite texting services to satellite internet, we are still seeking a reliable and effective means to communicate between team members in remote locations and provide a means of remote work when team members are not near one another. We will soon start exploring satellite internet options in conjunction with our building projects to fulfill this need that is partially covered by HF Radio, cell towers(only sometimes functional), and satellite texting devices.